Rebecca MacKinnon is coaxing us to share a little poetry this Valentine's Day. Okay, here's very little...
For those who daily blog, is it not art?
And are the two not joined, not of a piece?
And when I post a linkage to my heart
Must I pretend I meant it for my niece?Dissemblance taints intention, spoils truth
And beauty draws me off my charted course
I discard my natural voice, promote a ruse:
Seduce, ensnare, entrap without remorse.This secret sonnet’s meant to make you wet.
A private webcast channeled from my soul
And though I post it on the Internet
Only you will read it (and one guy working late at the Center for Disease Control).Just once a year I’ll throw aside taboo
Expose my inner geek: “Roses are #FF0000."
[Thanks to La Vache Qui Lit for the artismic and poetic effects. Without Leslie, none of this would be possible. I'd also like to thank mom, and the academy...]
Ohhh. And to continue the acceptance speech - I mustn't leave out my gratitude to my real Valentine, Ms. Beth Hastings, the girl of my dreams.
Posted by: fp | February 14, 2005 at 12:25 PM
Thanks, Sweetie. HOMH is what you are.
Posted by: Beth | February 14, 2005 at 12:50 PM